Sunday, August 16, 2009

Faridabad: 130 settlements to regularize

The Municipal Corporation Faridabad (MCF) which met in the House of the emergency meeting to pass the proposal for the regularization of the 70 unapproved colonies eventually approve 130 colonies.

The MCF Meeting House to regulate unapproved colonies was convened to Wooing voters living in these colonies before the model code of conduct came into force.

The proposal to stabilize the 70 settlements not approved in the municipal area wa smoved in the House.
However, faced with strong protest from the advisors, who even threatened to disrupt the proceedings of the House, more than 60 unauthorized colonies have been added.
Advisers said the list was prepared without consultation, while 60 other settlements not approved qualified for regularization. The councilors demanded that the 60 colonies to be included in the list to be forwarded to the Director Planning, Haryana for regularization.

MCF sources said that some colonies were found on public lands. Although management representatives to complete an investigation in respect of the 60 colonies, MCF Commissioner, CR Rana informed the House that there is no guarantee for the regularization of settlements located on public land. He said there is a policy for the settlements, which provides for the approval by Cabinet.
FREE Faridabad slum Rana informed the House that in the next five years, Faridabad urbanareawouldnothaveslums. He said that 10,000 dwellings are to be provided under various schemes of Central and the State to rehabilitate people who have encroached on public land. He said multi apartments would be raised on publiclandintheexistingcolonies and certain other locations that will be corrected in time. Talking to mediapersons, Rana said private builders beenofferedtoraisemorestoreys if they provide cheaper housing for the poor.

HOUSING FOR THE POOR Asapartofitscorporatesocial responsibility, AKS Infracon Co.
Pvt. Ltd offers budget apartments for the economically weaker section. AKS Infracon Director IJ Kalia said that his company is to raise 600 homes across the Agra Canal Sidaula. It will be accessible by the aid, taxi drivers, plumbers, seniors and young couples who earn between Rs 6500 and Rs 13,000 per month. This small town will have all the basic civic amenities, he added. Tree plantations, the Company Welfare Mission saplings planted in 35 Government Middle School, Mirzapur (Ballabhgarh) with active coordination of the Director, staff and students of the school. The school has ensured the company to take care of plants necessary for survival. Pawan Gupta, Dinesh Madhav Parashar and were present on behalf of the Company.

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